22 Aralık 2018 Cumartesi

At the article we can see that preliminart reported five first principles. There are three properties of the principles. First one learning from a given programe will help direct proportion to it’s implemantation of first principles. Second one; their instruction can be implemented any system. Third one; they are design orrented or prescriptive rather than learning oriented or descriptive. Let’s look these principles;
The first principles relates to problem-centered instruction when students are engaged in solving real-worlds problem, learning is promoted. With this principle, students are engaged at the problem or task level and they solve problem sor a progression. Most theorist would agree that solving a single problem is not effective. First students should start with a less complex problem. Thus students’ skill successfully increase until they are able to solve complex problems.
Second principle is activation, learning is promoted when relevant previous experience is activated. Learners are provided relevant experience that can be used as a foundation fort he new knowledge, they are ancourage to recall a structure that can be used to organize the new knowledge. Students previous experience can be activated by an appropriate opportunity to demonstrate what they already know. This activity helps students recall previous experience or providing relevant experience.
Third principle is demonstration, this principle is showing about what is to be learned rather than merely telling information. Providing with appropriate learner guidance is also importsnt for demonstration. The learner guidance including some of the following ; learners are director to relevant information, multiple representations are used fort he demonstrations or multiple demonstrations are explicitly compared. The other important thing is media. Because multimedia compete for attention and therefor increase the cognitive load fort he student.
Fourth principle is application , with this princiiple learners are required to use their new knowledge or skill to solve problems. Affing proctice to information and examples increases learning. Most instructional desing theories advocate application of knowledge and skills as a necessary condition for effective learning. At application phase, practise consistency, diminishing coaching and varied problems are significant. All theories advocate some form of feedback as anecessary condition for learning and making errors is a consequence of problem solving.
Final principle is integration. At this phase, learners are given an opportunity to publicly demonstrate their new knowledge or skill. They can reflect on discuss and defend their new knowledge. Learners have integrated instruction into their lives when they are able to demonstrate improvement in skill to defend and modify their new knowledge to us in everyday life. Creating, revising, editing, synthesizing and refocusing are important final phases of a learning experience.
Finally there are different representative instructional theories like; Star Legacy, 4-MAT, Instructional Episode, Multiple Approaches to Understanding,Colloborative Problem Solving, Constructivist Learning Environments, 4C/ID, Learning by Doing but this theories and models didn’t reviewed different firts principles.

9 Aralık 2018 Pazar

A podcast about GTM

There is a podcast about some charecteristics of Grammer-Translation Method and a brief history of it.


Games for Learning


      Games are an integral part of our age. Moreover we can always find them everywhere and experts say that games will become even more deeply embedded in the coming years. Games help people to problem-solving, develop a disposition to word collaboration and communication. Also today's children born with some learning characteristics like prefering multitasking, learning from pictures, sounds, videos, prefering interactive and networked activities etc. They prefer learning in teams and enjoy experiental forms of learning. So last decade's people realized the potential for game-based learning.
     Second Life is one of this games. You can creat an avatar and discover new people, places, images, events and more. You can meet new people in a social class or make a lesson with your classmates so you can save time and energy.
     As you see games make learning more effective because they are flexible. They enhance motivation and help setup engaging scenarious. So using games can gain you a new perspective when you are learning and teaching.

OPEN AND DISTANCE LEARNING   In the second part of our course, we have covered Blending Language Instruction, Online Feedback Practice, Onli...